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Disclaimer: This is by no means a complete tribute to all the people affected by sexual abuse during times of war, as there is no shortage of victims and examples throughout history, however, I will do my best to provide a list of resources for further reading and research.

The 1949 Geneva Convention prohitbits rape, enforced prostitution, and indecent assault, however formal sanctions against rape vary from the bare minimum to extreme.

An extreme number of women and children (and men) have been the victims of abuse at the hands of military personnel. Rape as a war tactic varies greatly from region to region, as does the motives behind these crimes, but what remains present throughout it all is the will to destroy the lives of others by humiliating measures.

Kim Bok-Dong was a former sex slave (Comfort Woman) for the Japanese military during World War II, forced into a brother by age 14. She dedicated her life to the cause of helping victims of wartime rape, though she never received an official apology from the Japanese government.

This video focuses on the atrocities commited on the people of Nanking by the Japanese Military during World War II.

The children conceived through the sexual assault of Bosnian women gather to campaign for the justice of those affected by the war.

Victims of another military power abusing their rights, this video focuses on the aftermath of the events in El Salvador, and shines a light on the lives of these four women.

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